Understanding Course Types

One of the most important decisions a school can make is how they plan on delivering courses. Education is evolving constantly, and we help clients engage with technology on their terms.

To help schools understand what strategy will work best for them,  we have laid out the four main course types here:

Blended Learning Courses
Studying together

A blended learning course combines all the benefits of online education (automation, analysis, course management and multimedia integration) but still retains all the benefits of an in-person education (greater personal connections, student to student interactions, and natural practice).  Such courses can also employ more novel approaches like flipped learning.  

Your Agora has an impressive suite of tools designed to make setting up a blended learning course as easy as possible and offers free onboarding to teachers through video conferencing and easy to follow tutorials.  

To learn more about setting up a blended learning course with Your Agora, click on the button below.

Remotely Taught Courses

Remotely taught courses have the benefit of direct teacher instruction without having to meet in person. Such courses are regularly scheduled with a teacher and at least one student that communicate using a video conferencing tool. Students enjoy the personal connection of a teacher, location flexibility, and a quality education regardless of their location.  

To learn more about how to build a teacher guided course using Your Agora, click on the button below.

working on laptop
Fully Online Courses
studying online with baby

Fully online courses are great for students who work well independently and are driven to succeed on their own. Depending on the material offered, there may be some assignment review required of a teacher, such as reading answers or listening to students' recorded answers. Online courses can also be fully automated.  

To learn more about how to build a student-driven course using Your Agora, click on the button below.  

Traditional Offline Courses

Traditional courses are best for schools whose students do not have reliable access to the internet.  The material is typically provided in print form with comprehensive instructions for students and teachers alike. While expensive, difficult to adapt, and impossible to easily track, printed material has the benefit of being rigorously tested and readily available from world-class publishers.  

While Your Agora is not geared towards serving traditional courses, there are still thousands of types of material that are intelligently cataloged and easily modified which can be easily printed and used to supplement a traditional course.  To learn more, click on the button below.

Traditional Course
How to Choose

No matter what method or combination of methods you choose for your school, Your Agora is here to help. Our platforms for schools, teachers, and students provide the flexibility and tools required to deliver a world class education in line with your vision and goals.  Click on the link below to set up a free account and/or contact us to set up a personal call.